2018 Mid Year Wrap Up

I’m a total nerd who loves statistics, yet up until this year I never thought to keep track of my reading stats outside of the number of books I read.

Ho, ho, are you in for a treat.  Earlier this year I wanted to know how many pages I’d read (not including books on the DNF list).  That spiraled into the source of each book, their format and so on.

Let’s break it down, shall we?

As of the end of June, I’ve read a total of 39 books.  My goal for this year was a modest 50, or about a book a week.  It was a safe, reasonable number. Now I’m thinking of upping that goal to 75 because I like to stress myself out.

So I made some charts using meta-chart.com–mainly because it was fast and easy and I had to think very little about it.  Excel irritates me regularly.

Anyhow… let’s start with the format of what I’ve been reading.  Out of the 39 books, here’s how it shakes out.  Note–I’ve kept ARCs as a separate category throughout to keep accurate track.

Books By Format

And here’s where each of those 39 books came from. Clearly NetGalley is one of the front runners but thankfully I also purchase a lot of books and use my local library’s Overdrive feature for ebooks regularly–but I think I’d like to start physically going to the library more.  I love libraries.

Books By Source

And lastly, here’s the page count per book.  So far this year, not counting books I didn’t finish, I’ve read a staggering 13,923 pages.Pages By Format

I love being able to see my reading habits laid out like this.  I’ve also got stats by genre, but I’m still fine tuning that one so you’ll hopefully see that (and more) in late December.


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